A downloadable game

One day I was trying out GB Studio and started making this...didn't have a PS2 anymore so most of the content was created from watching playthru videos. Then my harddrive on my computer crashed and the game came to a screeching halt. Luckily I had some  builds on my PSP, 3DS XL, and Funkey S fer testin purposes. 

This ROM is "as is" not finished, but that said you can go through the whole game. There are times when limitations of the software may force a player to NOT FIGHT but run past certain nurses in dark silent hill and if you go to the room where the videotape is the door might not let you in but entering a nearby door then returning will fix it. Still has all the endings including the dog ending, The board  and gun are the only real weapons coded in that is as far as I got.

++++ and one more thing in the bathroom at the beginning of the game if you go left through the wall then up you will find a warp zone with the theme of laura playing...

3-28-23 edit * I see there is a bug in the 12-9-21 build sorry for that. I've included ALL the builds I had now in the .7z file and included the first demo video

Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
TagsGame Boy ROM, Horror


Silent Hill 2 GB builds.7z 6.6 MB

Install instructions

Put the ROM in any gameboy emulator or burn it on a cart to play in a real gameboy color.

Development log


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There is a bug with the hospital where I can't kill any enemies on the 3rd floor. Are there anyway to deal with it without changing version, as I'm hunting achievements on RetroAchievements.

If you can't kill anything try switching between pistol or board w/ nails, if they still won't die  try luring them so you can run past that's all I can think of.. :/


I played this game a while ago, and recently I decided to create a new channel dedicated to indie horror games. This is one of my older playthroughs. I was able to beat it.

omg, the exact same thing happened to me making my gameboy game, ended up paying a data recovery place $400AUD to recover my harddrive just to pull the game files from my desktop. What are the odds!


It's why I backup everything I do, even if it's a few sprites XD I ent risking that, I've had enough of that even before I was making games.
Wierd that people don't frequently back up stuff? Tech isn't invincible.

Hola Stormer

Uso el emulador MyBoy y no me permite agregar la rom, estare haciendo algo mal?

Tenía ese emulador en mi teléfono. Lo hice funcionar moviendo la rom a la tarjeta de memoria con el organizador de archivos. Espero que ayude.


Hi Stormer!

Quick question, do you per chance still have the project files?
I love the work did demaking the game, and I would like to mess around with the pixel-art to try and give it a more cohesive look throughout the game, just so everything looks about the level of detail. Thanks! ^^


No sorry the best you could do is emulator background pictures. I lost all the original files.


Aww that's a shame, thanks anyway!
And also, thanks for making the game, and good luck with future projects!


Thanks, I started making born  from a wish as a new project. The new gb studio 3.1.0 has .wav files should be interesting

Just an update born from a wish is almost done need to finish coding the puzzle and some small details then I'll put it in with the 20th anniversary roms


Hey Stormer, really great inspiring work here.

Did anyone from Konami reach out to you about this? They've shut down fan projects in the past. When I first saw you launch this I thought it would only be a matter of time, yet here it still is.


I guess there is nothing to shut down as this is not being worked on.  But I think when the remake is ready I'll take it back down.


Wow!!! It's really cool. You a breathtaking!! I'm afraid Bloober team's remake will be very...controversial...I don't believe Konami after HD Remasters. I don't expect anything good from Bloober Team after Medium and LoF. I'm really looking forward to Silent hill F... Your project is the coolest thing I've seen since Soundless Mountain 2. Thank you for your work.


Thanks I will be trying the remake I think they are doing  a great job. Everything you can pick out of the trailer looked fantastic.


any chance you could upload a .pocket version of this?


No, sorry but the computer I used to make this was destroyed by a can of coca cola.. what has been uploaded is all that remains, sucks eh?

ah thats a shame

(6 edits) (+2)


Hi there! I was able to beat the game and I wanted to leave a review to say that this game is a fantastic demake recreation of the original Silent Hill 2. The attention to detail is impressive and it really captures the atmosphere of the original game.

However, I did experience a few bugs during my playthrough, including the elevator softlock bug. I had to transfer my SaveRam file to a different build (Dec-3-2021) to get past it, but unfortunately, that build had even more bugs, so I saved my progress right before exiting the hospital and transferred my SaveRam file back to the previous build. Despite the bugs, I really enjoyed playing this game and highly recommend it to any Silent Hill fan.


Thanks for the positive review! I think you are the first to beat the game and get the rebirth ending. Congrats


Really? I've never played the original game, so it was actually a blind playthrough, lol.

(1 edit) (+3)

I did some play testing last night and found the build 11-5-21 works the best with no rom swapping I got the UFO ending


Just confirming, 11-5-21 you can play through without a glitch then causes you to transfer saves or restart?  I will be playing through this soon, super excited to try it out!


I guess I should sit down and play all the copies so I can make a doc on unique features. 

The earlier copies have the original refridgeration room in the alt hospital, also has a vulgar bowling scene  and lacks the warp room. 

Then 11-5-21 has bugs but nothing gamebreaking , but the bug with the videotape room and other bizzare bugs, once you reach an ending it will just return to the titlescreen. 

The December builds have the most graphical polish and some extra maria scenes but has game bugs that require game save swapping between the 2 roms to finish. 

I wonder if I could write a rom patch to fix the final build elevator...

So i tried to stream this game in discord to show this to a couple friends of mine, but for some reason when you stream this game, it flips it upside down like this:

Have you tried any other GB Studio games? I don't have a clue why it's upsidedown.

That's a creepypasta effect if ever XD Might just be Discord as well?

Make it a challenge XP Aussie Silent Hill?

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if this a bug or not but I can't get past the bit in the elevator in the Nightmare Hospital when you have to down to 2F with Maria to get the Lead Ring from the Refrigerator . When you select 2F you can't exit the elevator and can only move around a little you can select another floor and the elevator will take you there you can then exit on to that floor. The problem only occurs when your try to go to 2F when with Maria  when the Radio Show would happen, the floor can be accessed with no problems if you try before you collect Maria from the Basement Storeroom.


Yes that was a bug the only way past that is to start over and use the warp room to go to the historical society. I have now added all the other versions of the game in hopes that at least 1 of them can be played all the way through.